Check Out Our Upcoming Events
Jewish Family Events Jewish Adult Events Jewish Women's Events
For further information about any of our Jewish engagement programs and activities contact Chief Jewish Engagement Officer, Rabbi Brad Horwitz (bhorwitz@jccstl.org), 314-442-3271.
Programs For Families
Shabbat Celebrations
We host Shabbat celebrations nearly every month during the year. These celebrations usually include a kosher dinner, activities for children, and Shabbat services for the whole family. All people – Jewish and non-Jewish, friends fand family, neighbors and visitors – are welcome. Check out our upcoming events below!
The J’s ECC
The J’s Early Childhood Center, in partnership with the Family Center, is committed to providing quality care and education that embraces the development of children’s minds, bodies and souls.
Programs For Adults
Nishmah, a program of the St. Louis Jewish Community Center, inspires, engages, and supports Jewish women. Nishmah brings together Jewish women from different denominations who may have otherwise never met. Together, these women learn from each other, connect and form bonds through faith and friendship.
J Next is a new initiative of the J that focuses on adults who are recent empty nesters around the ages of 40 to 55 with children recently out of the house. The program is designed for members and non-members of the J who have kids around 18-25 years old. We are looking to be here in this next stage of life.
The Hamsa Wellness Community (formerly known as Sharsharet Supprts STL) is a cancer community program at the J and a community partner of the national nonprofit Sharsheret organization. The Hamsa Wellness Community educates individuals regarding hereditary cancer risks, especially women and men of Ashkenazi Jewish ancestry, who have an increased risk of carrying a hereditary cancer gene mutation. The Hamsa Wellness Community also supports those facing a cancer diagnosis – especially those with breast and ovarian cancer – anywhere along their journey.
Cultural Arts Programs
St. Louis Jewish Film Festival
Travel the world through film! The J’s St. Louis Jewish Film Festival showcases national and international cinema that explores universal issues through traditional Jewish values, opposing viewpoints and new perspectives.
St. Louis Jewish Book Festival
The St. Louis Jewish Book Festival is an annual celebration of authors, books, and ideas in November, with additional author events year-round. The range of author topics is vast: business, cooking, family, fiction, history, religion, sports, and more.
The New Jewish Theatre
The New Jewish, St. Louis’ Premier Small Professional Theatre, is dedicated to the exploration of universal themes and issues and the examination of the full range of the human experience filtered through the lens of the Jewish experience.