The J is dedicated to creating meaningful Jewish experiences for all ages. We have several ongoing programs as well as single programs to welcome the adult Jewish community to the J. From new moms to empty nesters, to cancer patients, you are welcome at the J!
Upcoming Adult Programs
Sunday-Tuesday, February 16-18
SLBC is an intensive leadership training program for rabbis, cantors, educators and all others interested in offering a profound exploration of the physiology, psychology, strategy and execution behind inspirational Jewish teaching and song leading. SLBC participants experience a powerful three-day immersion program.
$425 for St. Louis participants
All Ages Celebrate Israel’s 76th Anniversary with the St. Louis Jewish community. Program includes children’s activities, Israeli dancing, food for purchase, and much more.
Thursday, May 1
The Hub STL at the District
For more information, please contact Naomi Elbaz
Adult Women. Nishmah’s Salons are intimate, thought-provoking, facilitated discussions on topics of interest to all who identify as Jewish women. This program is named for Ilene Joseph z”l, one of Nishmah’s founders and a passionate supporter of the Salon Series. Discussions are free to attend, donations to Nishmah welcome.
Ongoing Adult Programs
Nishmah, a program of the St. Louis Jewish Community Center, inspires, engages, and supports Jewish women. Nishmah brings together Jewish women from different denominations who may have otherwise never met. Together, these women learn from each other, connect and form bonds through faith and friendship.
J Next is a new initiative of the J that focuses on adults who are recent empty nesters around the ages of 40 to 55 with children recently out of the house. The program is designed for members and non-members of the J who have kids around 18-25 years old. We are looking to be here in this next stage of life.
The Hamsa Wellness Community educates individuals regarding hereditary cancer risks, especially women and men of Ashkenazi Jewish, who have an increased risk of carrying a hereditary cancer gene mutation, and supports those facing a cancer diagnosis – especially those with breast and ovarian cancer – anywhere along their journey.