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Jewish Community Center

Adult Racquetball

Adult Racquetball Leagues

Adult Racquetball Leagues

For adults 18 years and older. Guaranteed court time! Players need to play regularly to ensure a rewarding experience. Winners of the post-season tournament will receive credit toward a future league.

  • Space is limited in all leagues.
  • Two matches per night
  • Canister of balls provided each session.
  • Leagues may be adjusted to create parity


$62 members/$103 public
Save 3% when you pay with ACH and coupon code ACHSAVE3

You can receive a $10 credit for each new player that you bring to the league! 

Register Online

Monday: Bronze League

Advanced (B/C Tournament Level) – Players have good game knowledge and strategy.

Creve Coeur/Staenberg Family Complex

Session 1
Mondays, 6-9pm
January 20-April 7

Session 2
Mondays, 6-9pm
April 21-July 7

Tuesday: Doubles League

Players should register as individuals and indicate partner at time of registration.

Creve Coeur/Staenberg Family Complex
Tuesdays, 6-9pm
Session 3: July 9- September 24

Thursday: Gold League

(A/B Tournament Level) – Play at a high level in leagues and tournaments.

Creve Coeur/Staenberg Family Complex

Session 1
Thursdays, 6-9pm
January 23-April 10

Session 2
Thursdays, 6-9pm
April 24-July 10

Racquetball & Squash Court Rules

  • Only J members may reserve a court. Courts may be reserved two days in advance.
  • Courts 1,3,5 are reserved on the hour and courts 2,4,6 are reserved on the half hour.
  • Reservations are limited to one hour per day per person.
  • Courts are reserved through the J Front Desk by phone (314.432.5700), in person, or on the J app. Members’ key fob or membership number must be provided in order to make a reservation with the J front desk.
  • Courts not claimed by reservation 10 minutes after the start of the reservation time will be available on a first-come, first-serve basis at the court.
  • Courts are only to be used for Racquetball, handball, Squash, and approved J programming by the Sports and Recreation Director.
  • Sessions of instruction or any form of personal lessons are to be conducted only by employees of the J. No outside contracting or non-approved private instruction is allowed.
  • Play on Monday-Friday after 3:15pm and weekends are reserved for two or more players.
  • No blacked- soled shoes on the racquetball/handball or squash courts.


Mathew DeWinters, 314-442-3104