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Jewish Community Center


Indoor Cycling is a group exercise class that is included in your J membership. Cycling provides you with one of the most intense and thrilling workouts you can get! This popular class is ideal for those who would benefit from a non-impact training session that works all parts of the body, specifically the legs, abs, back and hips. So hop on a bike and experience the fun of Cycle.

Each J location has a dedicated Cycling studio outfitted with magnetic resistance Kaiser cycles. Cycling classes are typically held with the lights turned down and the music turned up. Our Cycling participants are among our most dedicated and motivated – hop on and join this fun and effective group exercise class.

Group Exercise Schedules

Want to get more familiar with cycling before joining a class? We offer Private Cycling, too. Call for an appointment.


Indoor Cycling group exercise classes are included in your membership.

Call for Private Cycling price.


Group Exercise Manager, Sarah Amonson, 314.442.3210

Group exercise classes are drop-in only. Please check in at the fitness desk no more than 15 minutes before class start time. Due to the popularity of classes, you may only check yourself in.