Thanks to the generosity of our sponsors, the St. Louis Jewish Book Festival is able to promote events year-round, featuring talented, best-selling, award-winning authors and entertainers. This leads to the Festival receiving local and national recognition as the premiere Jewish Book Festival in the United States. Thank you for your support!
2024 Sponsors
People of the Book Sponsors
The Chod Family Foundation
Howard Lesser
Wendi Alper-Pressman and Norman Pressman
The Saul Brodsky Educational Resource Fund
Authors Circle Sponsors
Robin and David Chervitz
Laurie and Ed Chod
Dr. Arthur Gale
Sidney & Bobbi Guller Family Foundation
JCCA Mithabrim
Margaret Fritsch Juelich, Au.D, CCC-A
Aurelia Konrad Charitable Foundation
Dianne O’Connell and Thom Kuhn
Maxine and Steven Mirowitz
Susan Nagarkatti
Samuel Krupnick Memorial Scholar-in Residence Fund
Gianna Jacobson and Todd Siwak
Frank and Bessie Spielberg Foundation
Sanford & Gloria Spitzer Family Foundation
Jennifer and Nicholas Tompras
Madeleine Elkins and Harvey Wallace Family
Literary Chair Sponsors
Berger Memorial Chapel
Martha and Jim Bogart
Naomi (Nonie) Cohen Family
The Delmar Gardens Family
Gloria Feldman
Bethe and Gary Growe
Howard Hearsh
Ted and Judith Isaacs
Joanne & Joel Iskiwitch
Wendy and Neil Jaffe
Jewish Family Services (NORC)
Phyllis and Stephen Kamenetzky
Bernard & Myrtle Kornblum Changing World Fund
Nancy and Kenneth Kranzberg
Debbie and Mike Lefton
M1 Bank and Poteet Family
Ricki and Neil Marglous
Jean and Stanley Margul
National Council of Jewish Women St. Louis (NCJW)
Sue Rich in Loving Memory of Jodie Rich
RubinBrown LLP
Madelon Scallet
Judi Scissors
Nancy and Al Siwak
Marsha Soshnik
Sue and Alan (z’l) Wallach
Page Turner Sponsors
B’nai B’rith St. Louis, Missouri Lodge #22
Joyce and Richard Becker
Judith Berger
Barb Bindler
Gayle and David Berwald
Harvey Brown
Marilyn K. and Steven Brown
Nancy and Alan Charlson
Marla and Edward Cohen
Florence Cohn
Sheri and David Corman
Debra and Jeffrey Dalin
Jennifer and Jonathan Deutsch
Eileen Edelman
Enid Weisberg-Frank and Bruce Frank
Julie and Lenny Frankel
Dr. and Mrs. William Friedman
Suzanne and William Goldstein
Cindi and Keith Guller
Estate of Rochelle Harris
Myrna and Arnold Hershman
Irene and Jim Hirschfield
Susie and Jeff Horowitz
Margaret and Martin Israel
Judy Schwartz Jaffe and Guy Jaffe
Barb and Richard Kramer
Harold and Judith Kreisman
Gail and Carl Lang
Louise and Jeff Levine
Jerri (z’l) and William Livingston
Rochelle Weiss and Stephen Loeb
Sue Matlof
Adinah and Heschel Raskas
Marilyn and Gary Ratkin
Pam and Ron Rubin
Ellie Samson
Julie and Monte Sandler
Helen and Julian Seeherman
Regina Shapiro
Stacy and Greg Siwak
Barb Raznick and Dan Smiddy
Zelda Sparks
Ann and Alan Spector
Julie and Timothy Stern
Elaine and Marc Tenzer
Linda Yatkeman
Cynthia Payant and James White
2024 Co-Sponsoring Organizations
Community Co-Sponsoring Organizations & Book Clubs
Bais Abraham Congregation
Chabad Jewish Center of St. Charles County
Congregation Shaare Emeth
Jackson Pianos
David Kodner Personal Jeweler
Kol Rinah Sisterhood
Novel Women Book Club
Round Table Book Club
St. Louis Kaplan Feldman Holocaust Museum
St. Louis Rabbinical and Cantorial Association
Temple Emanuel Book Club
Temple Israel
United Hebrew Congregation