We’re excited that you have chosen the J to help you keep your New Year’s resolutions and to reach your fitness goals in 2015. We look forward to assisting you to reach your targets through our services and programs.
One of our resolutions in 2015 is to help our members have the best possible experience when they’re at the J. It’s important to feel safe and comfortable in your fitness area. We want to ensure that our members feel great in our environment, and we need your help to make it possible.
Whether you are a long-time member, brand new to the J or recommitting to fitness, a new year is a good time to revisit the general etiquette guidelines for using our facilities.
1. Bring your key fob to be scanned every time you visit. Nobody likes to wait in line, so help us reduce your wait time at check-in by bringing your key fob with you every time you visit. If you’ve lost yours, please obtain a replacement card in our membership services department. Replacement cards are $3.
2. Please wear proper attire, including shoes. We want our members to be comfortable at the J, but we do ask that you dress appropriately, including your shoes. Please wear a shirt at all times, and do not wear street shoes at the gym. Also, help us keep the floors dry and safe for other members by making sure your shoes are dry before wearing them into a group exercise room, studio or gym.
3. Please do not talk on your cell phone on the fitness floor, in studios or in the locker room. Take time for yourself by unplugging from your devices while on that treadmill or in that Reformer Pilates class, and let our other members do the same by not making them part of your phone conversations. Being able to focus on your workout allows you to get more out of your time here.
4. Please adhere to time limits on the cardio equipment. Gyms are busy places, and our members have busy lives. Please help everyone fit their workout into their schedules by adhering to the time limits on our cardio equipment. For longer stretches of cardio, sign up for Signature Training or take advantage of Group Exercise classes.
5. Please re-rack your weights and return other equipment to its place. Having to search for that 20 pound kettlebell when you need it can be frustrating. Help us prevent that by replacing your weights and equipment when you’re finished with your workout. The next person to need those weights or equipment will thank you.
6. Please be kind enough to wipe off your cardio equipment when you’re finished. We hope you work up a sweat while you’re working out here at the J, but please take it with you when you go. By wiping down the cardio equipment when you’re finished, you leave the machine ready for the next person to work out.
7. Please shower (with soap) before entering whirlpools or swimming pools. Keep the whirlpools and swimming pools clean and clear by taking the time to shower before you take a dip. Taking a shower before pool time reduces the amount of impurities that make it to the water and helps us keep the pools a sanitary place.
8. Please do not bring anything scented or dangerous (such as a can of shaving cream) into a sauna. The heat of the saunas can intensify smells, so please leave anything scented outside the room. Also, help us avoid a mess by not bringing pressurized cans (such as shaving cream) into the sauna.
9. Please place your used towels in the laundry bins and not on the floor. Help us keep the J tidy! After your workout or shower, place your used towels in marked bins so that they can be cleaned.
10. Please treat your fellow members respectfully and courteously. Everyone here is working toward the same goals, so let’s help each other. Be considerate and encouraging to those working out around you.
If you have any questions about policies at the J, please contact Patrick McKee (SFC) at 314-442-3293 or Bernie Suddarth (Fox) at 314-442-3452.