One of the liturgical poems in the Haggadah is called Dayenu which means “it would have been enough.” With its repetitive chorus and upbeat melody, the Dayenu is often a fan favorite sung during the seder. This year I ask you to join me in not just singing Dayenu but reflecting on the meaning of the lyrics with your family. This song lists several of the wonderful things that God did for the Jewish people in their journey from slavery to freedom to entering the land of Israel and building the Temple in Jerusalem. “If God would have only taken us out of Egypt and not with signs and wonders, it would have been enough…If God only would have split the red sea and not passed us through it on dry land – it would have been enough…If God would have only give us the Torah and not helped us to enter the land of Israel, it would have been enough…”
Dayenu is a poem that not only is meant to praise God, but it is meant for us to appreciate how fortunate we are as the recipients of God’s love. It helps us reflect on and to appreciate our many blessings. In today’s world, we would all feel a bit more fulfilled if we stopped to reflect on our blessings whether it be supporting and loving family and friends, job security, or even just having enough food to eat. We are also fortunate to have our freedom, a core value of Passover. When it comes to our children, I would suggest that this year we take the time to list those things in our life which we appreciate and which our freedom enables. This can be done by writing it on a big poster. It can also be done by taking a turn around the table, adults and children alike, and saying out loud something we appreciate about our freedom. Think about your own blessings this season of the Festival of Freedom. I hope it is a liberating experience for you and your family.
Happy Passover
Rabbi Brad