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Jewish Community Center

JR Makerspace

Ages 9-12. This monthly group creates projects using teamwork and a makerspace-style environment. Each session is three months and is based on a theme.

Session 1
Sunday, May 19; Sunday, June 19; Sunday, July 14
Dungeons and Dragons. Learn the mechanics of D&D, how to construct real props and participate in an immersive campaign where kids will work together to solve problems of a created universe.

$20/session for members and general public

Jr. Makerspace: Comic Creators

Ages 9-12. Comic Creators will learn how to take their own ideas and build incredible stories using the medium of comics. Taught in a large group setting, each creator will get to work on an individual project of their choosing to present at the end of the course. Students may choose to create their projects using pen and paper media or digital media. Teachers
of this course bring knowledge about creative planning/ storytelling, design planning, and traditional and digital art.

Creve Coeur

Sundays- August 11, September 8, October 13

$20 member or public

Sydney Reynolds